Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 2

Sleeping last night was much better.  There was still some whining, but much much less than last night.  She seems to be getting a bit more confident in herself as she struts around the house.  She is starting to learn the "right" way to play with Everest without overwhelming him.  The good thing is that I think it will help both of them to understand bite inhibition.  Supposedly, by playing with others that bite (and therefore bite them), they realize that it hurts and therefore don't do it (or at least do so gently).

Today we left Stella in her crate for almost 4 hours.  She did whine as we left out the door.  I can only hope she settled down quickly.  When we came back, she was napping but quickly woke as we came in.  She did not have an accident in the crate which is a good sign.  When I took her out, she used the bathroom.  Fantastic!  Tonight we are going to Bonefish for dinner so she will get another dose of the crate for a couple of hours.  It's good for her since she will be there all day (with a mid day potty and play break) starting Monday.  It's probably going to break my heart!

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