Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 1

So as I type this, Stella has been with us for almost 24 hours.  I picked her up yesterday after work.   Needless to say, the day just creeped by and I couldn't concentrate on my work for thinking about picking her up.
I arrived at Kary's place at about 4:45pm.  We went over some paperwork and "tips" and then away we were.  I had no idea the best way to bring her home on my own so I placed her in a laundry basket in the front seat.  She squirmed for a bit, but then settled nicely for the short trip home.

When I pulled in, she was still asleep so I quietly brought her in and set the basket on the floor.  Everest quickly poked his head in and then slowly backed away as if to say "what the heck is THIS??".  I took this opportunity to let Everest meet her on his terms.  He didn't run away upstairs which was a good sign.  He sat about 5 feet away for a few minutes and just stared at the basket.  Finally, he got the courage to walk over.  He sniffed her. I petted him and he sniffed my hands with still a "what in the world?" look on his face.  Finally the fear turned into curiosity and he began to look at her over top the basket.  Just as he was beginning to become comfortable, Bryan walked in and Stella woke up.  It wasn't long before they were sniffing each other and they are now playing together.  Warms my heart.  I know Everest must have been getting lonely without Kipper.  This pup will play with him much more so than Kipper did too so it will be good for him.  Sometimes Stella's playing can be a bit overwhelming for Everest, but he gives a quick "meow" and she backs off.  They will soon learn each other though.

We took her out on a pretty regular basis and so far she has had one accident in the house...probably my fault for not taking her out when she woke up from her nap.  Everytime we take her out, she pees and/or poops so she totally gets that outside is where it should happen.  Such a smart puppy.
She cried a bit last night, but honestly for the first night it wasn't too bad.  We'll see what tonight brings.
Here are some pictures from today:

Already buds

Getting ready to pounce on the toy

I love the depth in this one...the rope, Stella, and Everest way in the background


Let's play!

Sweet face

So sophisticated

Heather out pet sitter came by to meet her in the afternoon.  She is going to have her work cut out for her after being used to Kipper....definitely a change.  That has to be such a fun job...playing with and taking care of animals all day.  Some days, I think I missed my calling...

Stella also got her first bath the sink.  She was pretty dirty from being out in the barn.  She looks a lot more fluffy now and is soooo soft.  I wish I would have gotten some pictures, but it was pretty quick and I was ready to help Bryan if he needed it, but she did really well.  She wasn't sure what to think at first (I mean who wouldn't be during their first bath experience) but she settled pretty quickly.  Hopefully this Golden will like the water (Kipper didn't).

Oh, and we finally settled on the name Stella this afternoon.  I think it fits her because she is so sweet.   Love her!

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