Thursday, February 16, 2012

Airing your dirty laundry's been a while.
Vet appointment went well the other week.  Everybody was loving on her and she loved all of the attention.  She whined on the ride there, but then fell asleep on the ride home.  I guess she was tired from all of the attention.  This weekend we go to visit my parents at their house so craziness will ensure with her and Gabby together again.  Stella is starting to get more energy (still not like Gabby) so it's been interesting around the house some days.  Everest and her take turns chasing each other around the house.  I try to enforce the "no running in the house rule" but it's hard.  Also, her new favorite thing is to bring any of our dirty clothes from the bedroom if I can only teach her to put it in the laundry room we'd be set.

Here are some pictures from last weekend (11 weeks).  I can't believe she'll be 12 weeks this Sunday!

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