Sunday, February 19, 2012

trip to Norwood

This weekend we took a trip to Norwood to celebrate my brother's birthday.  Stella and Gabby played non-stop!  Gabby just wouldn't let up.  Then Chunk (yes that is his name) came to visit and I'm told that craziness ensued.


She did really well on the trip there.  As long as she stays reliable for a few more trips, we'll let her ride without the crate. :)


Stella and her new friend Chunk...passed out.

Gabby on the other hand....still awake (though at least calm for once)

She's like the energizer bunny....

She really can be sweet and calm...sometimes.  :-P

Stella in her jacket that we donated to Gabby.  One of the girls at Bryan's work gave us this.
You can really see Stella's "wrinkle" on her nose in this picture.  I wonder if it will stay around once she's older.  I think it's adorable.

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