Friday, June 8, 2012


I think she'll still lay here when only her butt fits!
It's a good way to see how much she's grown though...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dunk your dog

Stella had some fun this past weekend at the 5th annual Dunk Your Dog event hosted by the Golden Retriever Rescue of Charlotte.  We were hoping that she would want to swim given that there were many other dogs there swimming, but no such luck.  The only saving grace was after the 3rd time that we picked her up and walked her in, she didn't immediately make a bee line for the shore.  oh well...hopefully if we keep introducing her to it she'll learn to like it.  Our previous Golden didn't like the water...did we seriously get the only other Golden Retriever that doesn't like water?  haha.

Here she is with her best "don't make me go back in Dad" look

After the dunk...."Oh hai"

We also hung out with our neighbors that night and she must have been tired because she just laid around mostly.  Our neighbor Kyle decided to use her as a pillow and luckily we had the camera out and got these shots stinkin' cute!

ALSO...Stella completed her Intermediate training class at Petsmart last Wednesday.  They gave her a certificate and even made her wear a graduation hat for a picture.  Bryan asked "aren't you supposed to put the tassel on the other side after they graduate?".  I looked at him and said "are you serious??  I'm just happy we got a picture with the hat on period!".  haha.

*sniffle*  my girl is growing up!